Spring Conference
TBD, 2021 The conference will be from: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Cost: $10 Per Delegate It will be tiered based on Delegate Skill-Level. When you register, you will sign up delegates in three different categories: Novice - Brand New JV - A Moderate-Level of Experience Varsity - Your Most Experienced Delegates They will then be assigned to committees with other delegates of similar skill-level, so that the chairs can work to support them at their current level. In addition to the regular committees, we will also be running a parallel "Leadership Conference." BHMUN Leadership Summit
The purpose of the SEMMUNA Leadership Summit is
As such, while many of the sessions will be focused on Model UN organizations, student leaders from any high school organization will benefit. High school juniors and seniors and club advisers are encouraged to lead short, activity-focused breakout sessions. If multiple students from the same school attend, they might wish to “divide and conquer” during the breakout sessions to maximize the take-home value of the day. |
This conference will be
@ Bloomfield Hills High School, If you would like to run a break-out session
at the Leadership Summit, let us know by March 31! |
LocationBloomfield Hills High School
4200 Andover Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 Contact: Matt MacLeod
[email protected] |
SEMMUNA: The Southeast Michigan Model UN Association
(c) 2014 |
[email protected] Twitter: @SEMMUNA #SEMMUNA |