February 11th, 2023
The conference will be from:
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Cost: $15 Per Delegate
It will be tiered based on Delegate Skill-Level. When you register, you will sign up delegates in three different categories:
Novice = Brand New
Junior-Varsity = A Moderate-Level of Experience
Varsity = Your Most Experienced Delegates
They will then be assigned to committees with other delegates of similar skill-level, so that the chairs can work to support them at their current level.
Position Papers will be Optional and due by 2/8/23 for Award Consideration
Bloomfield Hills High School 4200 Andover Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 Contact: Matt MacLeod [email protected] |
SEMMUNA: The Southeast Michigan Model UN Association
(c) 2014 |
[email protected] Twitter: @SEMMUNA #SEMMUNA |