Virtual SuperMUN, November 13-14, 2020
Thank you for a great virtual conference day!
Closed. See you at the conference!
This year's conference will be a combination of GoogleMeet meetings, Google Documents, pre-recorded materials, and a new app for SEMMUNA, MUNCommand. Materials will be distributed once registration begins.
The Conference is Free to Attend Outline of the Day
Friday, November 13 - pre-recorded
The ROMUN SuperMUN is a fall conference designed for two specific groups of Model UN students:
2020 Topics:
Our Debate Topic: Protecting Ocean Environments
Contact: Steve Chisnell
[email protected] Jennifer Crotty [email protected] Royal Oak Model UN [email protected] |
SEMMUNA: The Southeast Michigan Model UN Association
(c) 2014 |
[email protected] Twitter: @SEMMUNA #SEMMUNA |